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Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)

Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium)

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Rattlesnake Master is an herbaceous perennial recognizable by its unique “golf ball” flowers. Has medium green, bluish, or gray-green foliage. The narrow, sword-shaped leaves grow up to 3' long, forming a dense clump 2 to 3 feet wide. Each stiff leaf has parallel veins, bristly or spiny margins, and a pointed tip, reminiscent of a yucca leaf – hence the specific epithet. Unlike most members of the carrot family, the genus Eryngium does not have open, airy dome-shaped umbels but instead produces dense flowerheads with a thistle-like appearance. Plants bloom from mid to late summer with clusters of up to 10 white, green or bluish spherical heads. 

Use Rattlesnake Master in native gardens and prairies, individually or massed where the plants can provide support for each other. This plant works well as an accent in the perennial border, with the spiky leaves providing contrast in form and texture with many other garden ornamentals and the flowers adding architectural interest. It is a striking plant as a specimen rising above shorter plants, or in small groups and is right at home in a gravel garden. The plants provide interest in the winter landscape if not cut back at the end of the season.

Deer Resistant.

Attracts: 🐝
Light: full sun
Soil: dry

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